De Vries Group De Vlijt

The best professionals for all De Vries companies

De Vlijt is the youngest member of the De Vries Groep. Established in 2018, its purpose is to communicate with the labour market to ensure future needs are met and secure the recruitment and retention of the very best temps for all De Vries companies. This is exceptionally important in light of the growth of our business and the undivided attention required for our yachts. Being a good employer is a key aspect of De Vlijt’s activities being both part of the De Vries DNA as well as a major asset in attracting new staff.

In addition, De Vlijt guarantees strict compliance with all applicable laws and regulations.

Facts & figures

Established 2018


De Vlijt Oosteinderweg 25
1432 AC Aalsmeer Postbus 258
1430 AG Aalsmeer Nederland

+31 887 772 900