Le Pharaon


About Le Pharaon

Based on the hull design of Kalinga, the 55.00-metre Le Pharaon was the first of two yachts of the same name for the same owner. Although more classic in appearance, the trend toward angularity can be seen in the sharp angles of the main deck superstructure and the pair of steep crew steps connecting the wheelhouse to the working deck below. The owner spent much of each year living onboard and a few years later he ordered a larger version. Both had advanced engine room set-ups, bringing a world cruising performance well within reach.

Le Pharaon’s launch specifications

50.65m / 166'2''
2.85m / 9'4''
4.80m / 15'8''
Le Pharaon
Pilar, Illusion
Illusion I


Feadship De Voogt Naval Architects
Studio De Voogt
Larvor Studio


2 x Caterpillar 35 DI-TA at 1600rpm