The period 1973-1984 saw Feadship break all kinds of records. The 50.00-metre barrier was breached in 1975 with Ogina Bereton, a milestone momentous enough that Dick van Lent escorted it down the west coast of Europe and Africa for delivery in Nigeria. The 50-metre figure would soon be surpassed with the launching of the giant 64.64-metre Al Riyadh. Coupled with the awesomely complex Daria, these yachts proved that Feadship could build quantity and quality in equal measure.
The period 1973-1984 saw Feadship break all kinds of records. The 50.00-metre barrier was breached in 1975 with Ogina Bereton, a milestone momentous enough that Dick van Lent escorted it down the west coast of Europe and Africa for delivery in Nigeria. The 50-metre figure would soon be surpassed with the launching of the giant 64.64-metre Al Riyadh. Coupled with the awesomely complex Daria, these yachts proved that Feadship could build quantity and quality in equal measure.