Sea Huntress

55.00m / 180′5″
6 staterooms

About Sea Huntress

Having enjoyed several pleasurable years onboard his first 43.00-metre Sea Sedan, the owner poured all his experience into a second Sea Sedan. A modern, curvaceous exterior incorporated many special features, including extending the vertical oval windows to the guest accommodations in place of the traditional portholes, setting back the superstructure six inches to compensate for the full beam main deck, devising an intricate twisting structure for the outer stairways and fitting specially adapted hydraulics to transform the sun deck into a helicopter pad. Working closely with designer Terence Disdale, Sea Sedan’s owner gave his vision equally free rein in the palatial interior.

Broker info

€26,750,000 EUR


Broker photos (46)

(Images courtesy YATCO)

Sea Huntress’s launch specifications

55.00m / 180′5″
15 knots
3.20m / 10′6″
Sea Sedan
Kahalani, Huntress
Sea Huntress


Feadship De Voogt Naval Architects
Studio De Voogt
Terence Disdale Design


2 x Caterpillar 3512 DI-TA 947kW at 1600rpm


104,000 litres / 27,473 USG
104 m³
24,000 litres / 6,340 USG
24 m³